A “Recovery Friendly Workplace” (RFW) is a place of work in which the employer, in collaboration with employees, establishes, maintains, and continually enhances policies, practices, and a culture and work environment that are supportive of current and prospective employees in recovery from, or otherwise affected by, substance use disorders and mental health challenges.
We provide consulting, guidance, training, and technical support to help workplaces implement evidence-based practices and support for employees in recovery, those looking to enter treatment and recovery, and people in recovery looking to reengage the workforce.
Empowering workplaces to provide support for people recovering from substance use disorder
Led by Governor Dan McKee, Rhode Island’s “Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative” promotes individual wellness for Ocean Staters by empowering workplaces to provide support for people recovering from substance use disorder.
Please download the Recovery Friendly Workplace flyer to learn more about becoming part of this critical program to enhance the lives of Rhode Islanders:

"Safety is our number one priority at Gilbane. However, not every injury can be easily seen. We engage with Recovery Friendly Workplace because we want our employees to know we care about their mental health as well as physical health. We have discussions openly in meetings about mental health issues and create an environment where sharing concerns is not only okay; it’s encouraged.”
Mike Busam – Rhode Island Business Leader
Gilbane Building Company

Recovery Ready Workplace Toolkit
This toolkit provides information, tools, and resources to help employers from all sectors—government, for-profit, non-profit, and not-for-profit—effectively prevent and respond to substance misuse in the workforce, and reduce its impact on employers and on the broader community. Made available through the Recovery-Ready Workplace Resource Hub, which is hosted by the Employment and Training Administration at the United States Department of Labor, this toolkit is intended to be useful across sectors and industries. It offers employers and local or statewide RRW initiative leaders a range of resources to help them effectively address substance use in the workforce and successfully hire, onboard, and retain people who are in or seeking recovery from substance use disorder.
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